Our basic mission is to be a symbol of effective help to handicapped children, to help them throughout the Czech Republic through sport to overcome their own barriers, find new friends and discover "their" sense of life.
We focus our assistance mainly on children and young people under 30. These young people with physical, sensory or mental disabilities have a very limited opportunity to play active sports, mainly due to the unavailability of special equipment that they need for sport. We therefore accept individual requests and through our staff we identify target children who can be helped. We would like to contribute to improving the quality of life of disabled children, as well as their families and the surrounding area. While there are government programmes to support sport and physical activities for children without disabilities, targeted systemic support for children with disabilities is virtually non-existent. This is what we are trying to change through NF Emil.
Ahoj kamarádi, jmenuji se Kubíček, 07.02. mě budou 4 roky. Rád bych Vás poprosil o pomoc, abych se mohl už konečně naučit chodit. Mám DMO (spastická diparéza). Když mě v roce a půl povolili cvičit tak maminka a tatínek se mnou jezdili na privátní kliniku do Karlových Varů, dost mě to pomohlo a dnes se plazím, ale abych mohl chodit musím podstoupit další rehabilitace a to je už pro maminku a tatínka finančně neúnosné.
Martin má diagnostikovanou Paraplegii. Nyní je po půl roce odloučení konečně s námi doma a dál na sobě maká, cvičí každý den a nechce tento boj vzdát. Manžel byl od dětství velice aktivní člověk, dělal závodně atletiku, jezdil na skateboardu, na kole. Následně běhal celý den po lese a po práci se rád věnoval aktivitám. Jelikož dcera hraje golf, manžel by rád nějakou aktivitu, kterou s ní může provozovat, proto by rád paragolfer, aby spolu mohli hrát.
Dominice je 25 let, narodila se s mozkovou obrnou, kvůli které je na invalidním vozíku. Vždy bylo jejím snem se hýbat a navzdory své diagnóze ukázat lidem, že handicap nebrání v tom, žít plnohodnotný život plný dobrodružství. Pocit naplnění přišel, až když se stala součástí brněnské integrované taneční skupiny Proty boty. Tato skupina se snaží propojit tanečníky s handicapem…
Dear supporters, partners, donors, I would like to thank you on behalf of the NF for deciding to "be Emil" and become part of it. I am glad that you are willing to help and become a sparring partner for children in need. Your help is very much appreciated.
I have been in the NF since its beginning. Actually, since the moment Emil, like a little bird, fell out of the nest. With a few people we found him, got him hooked and I am happy how he is still thriving after so many years. The achievements of NF Emil that have been accomplished are not few - we have gotten microbuses for sports teams, reached and involved almost 10,000 disabled and able-bodied children thanks to the organization of the European and in 2016 the World Games for disabled youth.
Personally, I feel a moral obligation to use my skills and opportunities to support and help address the social, environmental and humanitarian issues of the day. Especially in my own neighbourhood, of course. I think social responsibility also compels me to look for ways to improve the conditions of life around me and in the communities in which I move. I make an honest effort to make sure that EPRIN and I personally contribute to long-term positive changes in our society. We plant trees, keep bees, and help those in need. And I am grateful to be able to do so.
I have known the Emil Foundation for many years and I admire the work that it and its members do. As an active professional athlete, I was a long-time ambassador of the Emil Open Games, and now that I am moving into the world of business after retiring from my sporting career, I am honoured to become a member of the Board of Trustees of this Fund and to support its activities from my current position. I believe that those of us who do not live in scarcity should also give back and help the world and society. The Emil Endowment Fund is a wonderful and transparent vehicle for this noble purpose.
Nadační fond Emil
Malinovského náměstí 603/4
637 00 Brno
IČO: 283 56 098
Spisová značka: N 340 vedená u Krajského soudu v Brně